Village ABC

Information about services, groups and activities in the area

Broadland Band and Training Band rehearse weekly on Wednesday evening at the BS Social Club.
Brundall Medical Centre. Tel: 01603 712255
Our aims are to enhance the station and to improve the rail service. If you like gardening, chatting, coffee and home-made cakes then please come along and join us. Further information.
Acle & District Men’s Shed
Brundall Men’s Shed
The MOBILE LIBRARY visits on Monday once a month, stopping at School Road, Church Road, and the Village Hall.
Mobile Library Timetable
The NOMADS THEATRE COMPANY meets on Friday evenings in Reedham. “We would love to see new people and families join….” Roles for scenery/set design and technical as well as performing.
Parish CouncilCantley, Limpenhoe and Southwood Parish Council.
Tel: 01603 715615
Cantley and District Women’s Institute
Visit on facebook